Eriksonian Hypnosis Course

Hypnosis and trance are the narrowing of attention. In daily life we have a wide observation of attention. But in trance or hypnosis, we narrow the attention to a single thing. Typically the subject will be focused internally, and the hypnotist will be in a trance on the subject.

_To induce hypnosis, the subject is guided to focus on a simple point. It can be internal like the breath or the feeling of the body, or external like a pendulum, a flickering light, or a sound. _

People enter trance all the time naturally. Observe these times, and take advantage of it.

The hypnotist goes with the subject

Let my voice come with you. Allow it to take whatever form it wants to.

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- the hypnotist goes with the subject into their trance.

The spectrum of trance

Many trance states are simply different points on a spectrum of externality. Where the focus is pointed either internally or externally.

REM Dream : internal focus -> Flow state: fully external state

How to Spot Trance Behaviors


  • going inside the mind
  • becoming very still and focused
  • muscles smoothing out (waxy immobility)
  • rapid blinking right before entering trance- then the blinking stops entirely

External Trance Indicators

  • Literalism (shorter literal answers to questions) e.x. ("Can you say your name?" "yes.")
  • economy of movement and speech
  • slower blinking, breathing, pulse
  • defocused eyes
  • smooth facial features (look younger)
  • lack startle reflex
  • fluttering of eyes

    Inducing Trance

  • questioning that guides
  • using words the have no fixed meaning
  • asking things which cause a person to turn internal
    • i.e. "what color is your front door" - causes them to turn inward to remember

Hypnosis, Ideo-Motor muscle movements and learning

By imaging physical acts, we induce micro movements and stimulation in the muscles that would be activated by the imagined activity. Through this concept we can train the muscles through imagined practice in hypnosis (like a basketball player imaging making free throws)

The instructor uses this to imply that hypnosis can heal physical ailments, or even cause burns to appear or other physical phenomena in the body.

_I'm not so sure I buy into this. It seems like another psuedoscientific explanation for how these phenomena happen. Id be just as likely to believe that "magnetic fluid" is displaced between our souls or any other explanation_

Optimal Learning State

REM state is when learned patterns are updated. Leverage this to use hypnotic trance to update behaviors or patterns.

Inducing Hypnosis

  • Any process which mimics the process of falling asleep
  • trying to recreate REM
  • muscle relaxation
  • slowing breathing - focus on breathing OR inducing PGO (Pons Geniculate Occipital Spike)

PGO SPIKE Imagine walking down steps and theres less steps then expected. A sudden orientation jolt occurs.

  • a shock or sudden jolt
  • immediate need to reorient Pattern interrupting, then giving a command. go to shake hand then immediately retract and give command

Ultradian Rhythms

Basic Rest, Activity Cycle (BRAC) is an ultradian rhythm that occurs in 90-120 minute cycles. About 100 minutes of activity and attention / 20 minutes of brief trance period. This is like a moment for your brain to update it's neural pathways from the last couple hours experience (like an autosave).

Use this natural dip into trance to perform trance

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